Welcome to SimpleHealthyTreats!
I’m so glad you’re here! The purpose of this blog is to help you kick processed food and sugar out of your life without even noticing.
Step 1: Stop Depriving Yourself
For years people have been telling you, if you want to be healthy you have to give up unhealthy things you love. In reality, that creates an empty space in your life, and that just feels bad, so it’s not sustainable.
Instead, we help you find lots of things you love that are good for you. The more of those things you bring into your life, the less you need the junk. That’s because you’ll always choose something you love that’s good for you, over something you love that’s bad for you! It’s really that simple.
To get started, all you need to do is make yourself one batch of simple healthy treats each week and pop them in the freezer. Then anytime you get a craving you’ve got something tasty ready to go. We’ll send you one seasonal treat recipe each week, plus your shopping list for free. Try new recipes till you find one you fall in love with. Before long you’ll have so many healthy treats in your life you won’t give a second thought to all the junk food you used to eat.
Our subscribers are finding, to their surprise, they actually don’t like all that sugar anyway.
“I love making your recipes because they are simple, easy to make, use just a few ingredients, are wholesome and totally guilt free!” Stuart, Montgomery Ohio.
Why Kick the Sugar Habit?
- Diabetes rates have increased 700% in the last 30 years.
- Excess sugar is one of the leading causes of inflammation in the body, leading to cancer, heart disease, diabetes and dementia.
- Sugar has addictive qualities, which means when you eat it your body craves more of it.
- Sugar makes your body think it’s hungry when it isn’t, so you eat more.
- Sugar tells your body to store fat.
Why does your body crave sugar?
Because historically, foods that were sweet were very good for us. Those were the days before processed food and people ate real food, like fresh and dried fruit, berries and breads made from whole grains. Then processed foods and junk foods came along, which are also sweet, but are missing nutrients. This is confusing to your body and makes you crave more and more sugar trying to get those nutrients.
What makes SimpleHealthyTreats different?
- They are made with whole foods, whole grains, whole fruits, nuts and seeds.
- They’re just sweet enough to be delicious, but not so sickeningly sweet that the taste of the other wonderful ingredients are lost.
- They are loaded with superfoods that give you added energy, lots of disease fighting antioxidants and phytonutrients.
- They make eating healthy and losing weight easy.
What’s a super food?
A superfood is a food that has a really big bang for the buck. That means a small amount of it packs a real health punch! Here are some examples:
- Nuts. Nuts are really good for you. In fact, research from around the world suggests that you should be eating 2 handfuls of nuts per day. What’s the one thing centenarians (people who are over 100 years old) do every day all over the world? They eat nuts.
- Chocolate. Unlike most of the candy bars in the store, real chocolate reduces inflammation, stress and anxiety. It is great for your skin, improves your memory and your mood, and is a great way to give yourself a little treat without all the negative side effects of junk food.
- Fat. Fat has been falsely accused over the years to our countries peril, the real culprit to the health epidemic is sugar. Fat is essential for healthy brain development, helps you process essential vitamins and minerals, improves your mood and helps you feel satisfied so you eat less.
- Berries. According to one of my favorite food researchers and authors Jo Robinson, “As a rough estimate, berries have four times more antioxidant activity than the majority of other fruits, ten times more than most vegetables, and forty times more than some cereals.” So eat some berries every day.

How do you get started?
- Make one batch of treats a week.
- That’s it.
- Sign up here!
I know you’ve been trying for years to kick the sugar habit and you’re thinking it couldn’t possibly be this easy. Trust me it is. I’m the biggest sugar and chocoholic in the country and I tried desperately for years to deny my sugar cravings. I couldn’t do it, until I discovered the beauty of real food. When you eat real food (whole foods in their natural state) the intense cravings and overeating goes away, because when you eat real food you’re giving your body what it needs. It doesn’t have to keep searching for those lost nutrients.
What’s the Secret?
Always having a healthy treat on hand is like a shield that will protect you when your office mate drags in another box of heart stopping, sugar filled, four inches of icing on top cupcakes. Instead of eating one of those and feeling terrible afterward, you eat your simple healthy treat and feel great!
One batch of treats a week, that’s all it takes.
How Can We Help You?
- Explore the recipes on this website. They are all safe, healthy and delicious options.
- Sign up for our free SimpleHealthyTreats. You’ll get one treat a week delivered to your inbox along with your shopping list so each week you can try a seasonal simple healthy treat.
- Sign up for our 30 Day Kick the Sugar Habit Challenge. COMING SOON.
- Join us on Facebook, Instagram or Twitter.
We are a supportive community and we’re so glad your here. Join us and get your health back, get your energy back, get your life back.